Thursday, December 15, 2011



Final Day
With this 3day project we had to creat a 3D Ipod of our choice, the Ipod that I choose to do was the older Ipod nano because it was very simple to creat. The tools that I used was the 3D tool and the shape tool, I think this was a B project that I did because I did everything that we were suppose to do with our Ipod and my skin for my Ipod really represented me all the way and my Ipod looked like a Ipod that was well put together in 3days. The side of my Ipod could have been a lot better if I spent a little more time planning on how I was going to creat it but other than that I think this project turned out really nice.

Monday, December 12, 2011


Final Day 



With this 3day project we had to creat a room with our lamp that we created in it, with this project I had to really think out the box once again in order to creat a room that would represent me and a room that would really stand out. The element of art that was used is this project was color and balance and the tools that were used was the 3D effect and the pen and shape tools. I do think that my project could have been a little better and that I could have added a little more to it but my project turned out to be a very nice B+ project. I came up with a good idea by adding my other projects into this one and it turned out very good and I don't think that anyone could be that creative as I was.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

My Lamp

Final day


This project was a challenge because we had only 2days to do it, My lamp was a assignment that we had to make a 3D lamp that you would not really see in a store. The tools that were used to create this project was the pin tool and the shape tool and the elements of art that I used were color. I think this was an over all B project because I had to think out the box to come up with this lamp and this is a lamp that you would never really see and my lamp is very different from other lamps.