Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Web Design continuation



For this assignment we had to finish creating our whole web page within in 6 days but I only had 2 days to do this project, due to the days that I missed I did not have a complete understanding on how we were suppose to navigate our web page so it can turn out the right way and my project did not turn out very good because of that.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Web Interface Design (Front Page)

Extra day
Final day



This front page design was very complicated and took a lot of hard work and revising, it took 5 days to complete this project including the extra days that we were given to complete this project. For this project we had to create a home page for our web site and the tools that were used to complete the project was the color tool and the shape tool and the text tool.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Kony 2012 promo package

Final Day




The Kony 2012 promo package took a lot of research and a lot of time and work, the 4day project had a lot of meaning to it and was something that I support and enjoyed doing. For this project we had to creat a hand flyer, poster and sticker to support Kony2012, the tools used to creat this project was the gradient tool, the shape tool, and the symbol tool. My Kony 2012 promo package turned out to be a B project, my project was very different from the other Kony 2012 flyers and posters and that is what I was trying to go for.

Monday, March 5, 2012


Final day


This character profile sheet that we had to design is 2days required me to stay focus and use my time wisely, this was done in Adobe Illustrator and the tools used to create this project was the text tool and the gradient tool and the elements of art used to design this project was color. I think that my project turned out to be a A- project and really stood out, the color I choose for my profile sheet was very different and was not a simple average Character profile sheet.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Character Design

Final Day
 Day 5



Day 2


In this 5day project we had to creat our own character piece by piece, the tools used to creat my chracher design was the 3D tool, the color tool and the shape tool. This project took a lot of work and I did a lot of research to make sure that I turned out with a character that I 100% like and an A+ character design. The elements of art used in this project was color, shapes and balance, my project turned out to be a B+ project and I was very proud to start off bad and come out with something that looks good and something that looks like it took a lot of work.

Monday, February 13, 2012


Final Day





For this 5day project we had 2 days to sketch out any part of the school of our choice and then recreate it, this project was completed in Adobe Illustrator and the tools used to complete  it were the 3D effect tool and the shape and color tool, the element of art used in this project was color, my project did not turn out the way I thought it would and it could have been a lot better, my project turned out as an C- over all and if I took more time out to get everything in order and in place than I think it would have turned out a lot better.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Google Doodle

Final Day




This project required a lot of attention and required a good amount of time, for this project we had to create a Google Doodle that represented an pacific time period. The project was done in Adobe Illustrator CS3, the elements of art in my Google Doodle was color and balance. My Google Doodle turned out ok but I think I could have done a little better because at on point I became very stuck and did not know what else to include in my project. Also I do think that my time period could have been betrayed a little better because the time period I choose which was the 90's made my project kind of common and unique a little.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Self Illustration (mySELF)

Final Day






This 6 day project was very challenging and took a lot of hard work and time, with this project we had to creat a self illustration of our self's with objects in it that express who we are. The tools that I used to creat this self illustration of my self were the shapes tool, the color guide tool and the live trace tool. The elements of art that was used in this 6 day project was color, texture and shape value. This was a very chanllenging project that took a lot of work, My self illustration turned out to be a C- project and I think it could have been a lot better but with the extra day that we had I made a lot of changes to my Self Illustration of my self.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Product Sheet

Final Day

With this project we had to design a product sheet for the product that we created, this 3day assignment took a lot of time to research and design, the tools that were used to help create this project was the shape tool, the text tool and the gradient tool, the element of art in this assignment was color. This was an A+ project that I created in 3days because I spent a lot of time on this project and did a lot of research on product sheets before I got started on my project. My project sheet was very nice and creative and is something that would catch someone's eye and get their full attention.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Final Day




With this 5day assignment we had to create our own product that has not been invented yet in the world. The product that I created was a 3D projector mood changer alarm clock, the tools that were used in Adobe Illustrator to create this project were the shapes tools, the 3D effect tool and the type tool. The elements of art were color and contrast, I think that this project was a B project all the way because it was very creative and this is a product that people wold buy because they would use it everyday and it's something that people can finally enjoy using.