Thursday, October 27, 2011

Typography Scence Self Reflection

For this project we had to creat a typography scence using our typo object in it. We were given 4days to complete our 8.5 by 11 project, to complete our typography scence we had to creat out lines and also distort. The element of art that I used to complete my typography scence was shapes and color. I think and feel that my project could have been a lot better if I had a simple object for the Typo project that had to be included in this project. My typography project was a C- and could have been a lot better if I took the time out to make sure I liked what I had in mind to creat in words with my typo object blending in with it. I kind of did not not like the way my project turned out and felt that if I planned out everything a little better than my project would have turned out better than it did. The Typography Scence was also very different and did not look plain at all even though it did look like my objects were kind of all over the place.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Art Show self reflection

With this project we got a chance to creat anything of our choice to enter in a art show. I decided to creat a galaxy tablet with speakers on the side made by my company Kodoche, the color of my Kodoche tablet was purple and black and had everything that a normal tablet would have. We were given 5 days to complete our projects and we got enough time to come out with something nice enough to be entered into the show. I feel that my project turned out very good even though I could have thought outside the box and created a tablet that was very different from others.My project turned out to be a B project because it was the type of design that would catch peoples eye and it did not look like a basic design at all.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Zombify Self Reflection

For this project we had to to take a pictutre in the photo booth and then transform our selves into a zombie. This project was done in photoshop, the key to our project was the picture that we took in photo booth, and the reason of that was because the way I posed in my picture helped me a lot in creating my project. The object of our project was to take elements of a zombie and features of a zombie and add them to ourselves in our picture that we had to pull up in photoshop. The element of art that was used to creat this was transformation and the tools that I used to help me transform my self into a zombie was the burn tool mainly, the loso tool, the quick selection tool, and the erase tool. I think that I met the expectations for the project even though it could have been a lot better and a lot of things were missing from it. My final design turned out to be a C project because some things was missing and more could have been added to it. Even though a lot could have been added to my project it turned out looking ok even though it was not the way I planed for it to look on the final day. The zombie of my self was very creative and stood out from everyone's zombie because my zombie did not look like a basic zombie and I used a lot of originality.