Monday, November 28, 2011


Final Day





With this project I had to think out the box and come up with a symbol that  represented the emotion that I had which was anger. This project was done in Adobe Illustrator and was a 5 day project, the tools that I used to complete this symbol of anger was the flare tool and the pen tool and the elements of art that was used was color. I thought really hard about what I wanted to create and I wanted to come up with something that was very creative and different from others. I think my project was a B project because it looks like a very uncommon symbol of anger and no one would really be able to come up with or create what I was able to do. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Still Photo

Final Design



This project was a 4day assignment called "Still Photo", for this assignment we had to place a object that we created in a background that we took a picture of. The object had to really be placed in a background that made the object be out of place like a SUV in a school hallway for example. The object that I created was a screen of a computer, at first it was a hole computer but ended up being just the screen of the computer because my computer was acting slow and I forgot to save my original background so I had to go and start all over. The tools that I used to do this project was the color tool, the shape tool and the 3d tool all in adobe illustrator. The element of art that was used in this project was balance and contrast and I think this "still photo" that I created turned out to be a B project because my object blended in with my background and my objected looked very realistic.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Final Design


This 4 day assignment that was done in Adobe Illustrator was a tessellation project. The tools that I used to complete this project was the pen tool and the shapes tool as well. The elements of art that was used in this project was color and objects, In this assignment we had 4days to design a tessellation with patterns in it. My project turned out to be a C- project but could have been a B project if I understood what I was doing in the color wheel project, but also I do feel and think that my project was very different from others and very original. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Color Wheel self reflection

For this one day project we had to creat a "7by7" color wheel similar to the example that we saw on artistontheloose. Out of all the projects I think this was the one that I had the most problems with putting together and that's why my color wheel turned out to be a D and incomplete. The elements of art that was used for this project was shape and color.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Water Mark self reflection

With this project we had to creat a logo that represented us, the logo that we created will also be placed on all of our future projects. I missed one major day on this project so I really was behind than everyone else who was on their 2nd day while I was just getting started on my water mark on day2. The elements of art that was used to put together and creat this water mark was color and shapes. At first I did not have a complete understanding on how I was going to creat my water mark and what key elements I was going to use in order for my water mark to to represent me and me only. I think that my water mark turned out to be a B- or a a C project, I think this because it had everything that we were told to have in our water mark and my water mark represented me all the way and was something that no one would think of doing and it was very creative and out the box.